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Summa psicológica UST (En línea)
On-line version ISSN 0718-0446
GUERRA, Cristóbal; MARTINEZ, Patricia; AHUMADA, Carolina and DIAZ, Marcelo. Preliminary Psychometric examination of the Davidson Trauma Scale: A study on chileans adolescent. Summa psicol. UST (En línea) [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.2, pp.41-48. ISSN 0718-0446.
The present research aimed to check Share's (2008) thesis about conventional reading acquisition models in a group of Argentinean children. This author proposes that reading models developed for English need to be reviewed when children are learning to read in a language with transparent orthography. Share questions the idea of learning proceeds in stages, the importance given to reading accuracy over speed and the relevance of phonological processing. A group of 52 children from low-income families were tested on letter knowledge, phonological awareness, rapid naming and reading of frequent words at the beginning and the middle of first grade. Additionally, children's word and pseudo-word reading skills were tested at the end of first and second grade. Results showed that most children never resorted to non-phonological strategies as it is usually done by their equals in English. By the end of second grade the group had reached a high level of accuracy in reading, but important differences were found in reading speed. These results support Share's (2008) proposal since reading acquisition did not develop in a series of stages but could be described as a continuous process in which children gradually increase their phonological recoding abilities and achieve accuracy early on. Therefore individual differences in reading speed become a critical aspect of reading.
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