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Summa psicológica UST (En línea)
On-line version ISSN 0718-0446
FARFANO, Minerva Vanegas and RAMIREZ, Mónica González. Mexican version of the Leisure coping strategy scale (LCSS-M). Summa psicol. UST (En línea) [online]. 2014, vol.11, n.1, pp.105-113. ISSN 0718-0446.
The present study tested the psychometric properties of the Leisure Coping Strategy Scale (LCSS), named as LCSS-M, in Mexican population. Method: Survey in a sample of 141 adults. Evidence of convergent validity was obtained with the PSS and Satisfaction with Life Scale. The factor structure of the three subscales were examined through an exploratory factor analysis using the principal component method with VARIMAX rotation, subsequently confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Results: Both scales, PSS and Satisfaction with Life, gave evidence of convergent validity. Also, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, support the dimensionality and factor structure of the original three factor model. The internal consistencies of the subscales were acceptable. The present study shows that the LCSS-M seems to be a valid and reliable measure for Mexican samples for future research on leisure as a coping strategy.
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