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Alternativas en Psicología
versão impressa ISSN 1405-339X
SALVADOR FERRER, Carmen María e MORALES JIMENEZ, Juan. Fundamentos psicológicos de la autoeficacia emprendedora en jóvenes mexicanos. Altern. psicol. [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.20, pp.35-47. ISSN 1405-339X.
Every day they proliferate more the investigations on the venturesome self-employment, in spite of everything are not decisive conclusions, among other aspects, to the inherent complexity of the term. In this sense, with this work it seeks to be proven the existent relationship between the vital satisfaction and emotional intelligence and the perception of venturesome self-employment, having a sample of 58 Mexican youths of the campus of City of Puebla. The data obtained through analysis of structural equations reveal that as much the vital satisfaction as the emotional intelligence influence in the self-employment. In short, everything points to that to be effective in the self-employment, the Mexicans consider excellent the handling of the emotions and the vital satisfaction. Even more, the elements of the vital satisfaction that bigger weight presents are related with the expectations of vital conditions. In this sense, the practical implication that comes off of this work is that it is indispensable to know the subjective trials of people to assure the success in to the venturesome self-employment.
Palavras-chave : Emotional intelligence; Self-efficacy; Entrepreneurship; Self-employment.