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Alternativas en Psicología

versão impressa ISSN 1405-339X


FERRER, Carmen María Salvador  e  JIMENEZ, Juan Morales. Inteligencia emocional y su relación con el compromiso de los trabajadores mexicanos: Estudio de diferencias individuales según sexo y edad. Altern. psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.16, n.27, pp.89-106. ISSN 1405-339X.

This study places the interest in knowing how the components of emotional intelligence in influencing the commitment of employees. In addition, we wanted to determine whether analysis of interaction between variables, whether there are differences by gender and age. For this purpose, is a cross sectional descriptive study comprised of 165 Mexican workers, of whom 53% are male and 47% women. The results show that emotional intelligence and commitment are multidimensional constructs. In addition, we appreciate the significant impact that some exercise of intelligence on emotional engagement. Likewise, it deserves to be highlighted the fact that there are statistically significant differences by age and gender.

Palavras-chave : Emotional intelligence; organizational commitment; age; sex.

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