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versión impresa ISSN 1413-0394
FALBO, Giselle y FREIRE, Ana Beatriz. The body as an object: thoughts about the concept of sublimation through the Carnal Art of Orlan. Aletheia [online]. 2009, n.29, pp.190-203. ISSN 1413-0394.
Taking as a starting point the questions brought up by the work of the French artist Orlan - which are self portraits chiseled into raw flash -, the aim of this text is to discuss up to which point the concept of sublimation suffices to answer for creations that, as in its surgical performances, leads to the extreme non-stabilization in the field of fantasy, in favor of a “realism” that disconsiders the frame constituted by the significant operation. Affirming the concept of sublimation as pusional destiny, in the contraposition and articulation: between idealization, sublimation and narcissism, we propose to make its side more clearly pulsional (to make with a pulse), closer to the process of scripture that aims the cut that stablishes the letter: that is, that constitute the limit of the body as a littoral.
Palabras clave : Sublimation; Body; Object.