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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394


SIMON, Ryad  e  YAMAMOTO, Kayoko. Operationalized brief psychotherapy in private clinic. Aletheia [online]. 2009, n.30, pp.172-182. ISSN 1413-0394.

Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy - OBP is therapeutic modality based on psychoanalytic theory and the theory of adaptation by R. Simon. The therapist formation is realized by lato sensu Post Graduation Course in UNIP - Universidade Paulista. Search for psychotherapeutic aid that is bigger at each year, becomes greater after legislation that imposes Health Insurances Companies obligation to give psychotherapeutic assistance to its members. The aim of OBP is to give comprehension about psychodynamics and adaptive factors related to problem-situations faced by the patient in the present. Theorized interpretations and adaptive conjectures supply the patient with insights over articulations between his subjective world and its repercussions on the external world and by this way facilitates the acquisition of understanding about unconscious motivations and its influences on the origins of problem-situations. OBP increases psychotherapeutic resources of the therapist and release his guilt of not supplying classical psychoanalysis to his patients, contradicting his preconceptions, besides heightening his self-esteem by verifying treatment efficacy.

Palavras-chave : Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy (OBP); Operationalized Adaptative Diagnostic Scale (OADS); Private psychological clinic.

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