Print version ISSN 1413-0394
ANTUNES, Ana Lúcia Marinônio de Paula; MAGALHAES, Andrea Seixas and FERES-CARNEIRO, Terezinha. Unending litigations: a perpetuation of the conjugal bond?. Aletheia [online]. 2010, n.31, pp.199-211. ISSN 1413-0394.
The present work focuses on the phenomenon of long litigations in Family Courts, with the goal of discussing the role of judiciary within family networks. It emphasizes that some couples, even after divorcing, get trapped in a dynamics of repetition that functions through litigation, represented in custody actions, visiting regulations, and their consequences. The work focuses on the process of structuring and dissolving conjugality, emphasizing the difficulties involved in the process of elaborating mourning post-separation, based on psychoanalytic literature on loving relationships. It points out that the judiciary stage in separation, taken as a rite of passage, can represent a cut in bonding, contributing to perpetuate trapping ties. In order to illustrate this discussion, the works presents the analysis of a case of family litigation assisted by the judiciary in Rio de Janeiro.
Keywords : Conjugal separation; Judicial litigation; Psychoanalysis.