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Print version ISSN 1413-0394


SOARES, Dulce Helena Penna; AGUIAR, Fernando  and  GUIMARAES, Beatriz da Fontoura. The concept of identification in the process of the professional choice. Aletheia [online]. 2010, n.32, pp.134-146. ISSN 1413-0394.

This article aims to amplify the reflection concerning youngsters’ professional choice, settled on the premise that new meanings and heuristic comprehensions unfold through the concept of identification, according to its formulation in Freud and Lacan. Considering adolescence, period when professional choice usually emerges, as a time of reordering of the identity processes, in which the edipian situation is replaced in scene, it becomes relevant to consider unconscious aspects that compose the subject’s universe and which command his choices, including the professional one. In order to contextualize the discussion, some fragments of case reports that deal with youngsters’ professional choice are presented, all derived from doctoral research - of which there is no intention to report here - accomplished by one of the authors.

Keywords : Identification; Psychoanalysis; Professional guidance.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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