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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394


RODRIGUES, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim; ALTAfiM, Elisa Rachel Pisani  e  SCHIAVO, Rafaela de Almeida. Parental practices of adults and adolescents mothers with babies between one and twelve months. Aletheia [online]. 2011, n.34, pp.96-108. ISSN 1413-0394.

Parental practices have a primordial role in the children development and is closely related to with behavioral repertoires. The study aimed at examining of mothers, both adult and adolescent ones considering also their babies'age. It identified the parental practices of 111 mothers of babies between one and twelve months, of whom 59 were adults and 52 adolescents. They participated in the study answering an inventory of parental practices. When the age of the babies was taken into consideration, some practices showed significant differences, but when adult mothers' practices were compared to those of the adolescent ones differences were not significant. Results show the importance of understanding the nature of these mothers of babies' practices, as foundation for the development of interventionist programs.

Palavras-chave : Maternal behavior; Parental practices; Adolescent mother.

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