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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394
LOPES, Sandra Ribeiro de Almeida e MASSINELLI, Carolina de João. Profile and level of resilience of informal caregivers of elderly people with Alzheimer's. Aletheia [online]. 2013, n.40, pp.134-145. ISSN 1413-0394.
The study objectives were to identify the profile of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease and the level of resilience. It was done interviews and appliance of resiliency scale with 10 informal caregivers. Most caregivers were women, the average age of the patients was 84 years, and the average time of diagnosis was 03 years. Seven caregivers were married, with education between college graduated and high school completed. Six interviews counted with the help of at least one person. Half of the elderly remained part of the day at leisure center. Caregivers had high levels of resilience. They used to neglect their own health care and were not thinking about the possibility of institutionalization of the elderly. It is concluded that receiving help of people, maintain activities of personal interest, in addition to having a place that offers professional assistance are factors that contribute to better cope with the situation by the caregivers.
Palavras-chave : Caregiver; Alzheimer's disease; Resilience.