Serviços Personalizados
versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394
BITTENCOURT, Maiala; LOPES, Regina Maria Fernandes e ROCHA, Bruna Fernandes da. Psychological evaluation of personality in transit background: instruments of the use of importance projective. Aletheia [online]. 2015, n.47-48, pp.183-195. ISSN 1413-0394.
The personality assessment is one of the most important aspects in this kind of psychological evaluation, which can be performed by projective tests in order to assess the dynamics and the personality structure, mainly in the context of traffic. The objective is to reflect the role of psychologists in the psychological assessment process in the context of traffic and in the use of projective tests to assess drivers' personality. A survey was conducted in the CAPES platform, using the subject keywords: traffic and "psychological evaluation". Found 6 items discussed in this project that also emphasize the importance of projective tests. Clinical trials suggest that the appliance of projective tests is relevant in this kind of assessment, highlighting the Zulliger and the HTP as instruments to verify and diagnose the personality in the context of traffic. These results show an improvement in the interest for the context of traffic when compared to earlier periods, but researches correlating traffic, psychological assessment, and projective technics are still scant.
Palavras-chave : Psychological evaluation; Projective techniques; Zulliger.