Print version ISSN 1413-0394
JAGER, Márcia Elisa; TORRES, Isadora Esteve; FREITAS, Laís Ismael and SANTOS, Samara Silva dos. Cognitive behavioral approach at school: possibilities for intervention. Aletheia [online]. 2021, vol.54, n.1, pp.105-112. ISSN 1413-0394.
ABSTRACT The objective of this article is to describe group techniques that have developed in the 3rd and 6th grade classes of a municipal school located in a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. These techniques, based on the theoretical and practical assumptions of cognitive behavioral theory, have intended to intervene in school demands related to interpersonal relationships and challenging behavior and opposing behaviors. The groups have been homogeneous, with an average of 10 students, aiming at psychoeducation and orientation / training, with the objective at to promote health at school. The reported experience collaborates with the methodological praxis of the area to which it belongs, offering reports of singular practices that can be adapted to other similar contexts and school demands.
Keywords : Cognitive therapy; Education; Psychology.