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versão impressa ISSN 1413-2907
MARTINS, Edna e SZYMANSKI, Heloisa. Children play and family educational practices: a study with low income families. Interações [online]. 2006, vol.11, n.21, pp.143-164. ISSN 1413-2907.
The present work searches to study if adult/child play can be considered an educational practice among families living in a low-income neighborhood in São Paulo. Our theoretical considerations were based mainly on Bronfenbrenner. Ideas in the consideration of themes such as: importance of adult/child play, games children play in their everyday life and the multiple relationships between non formal education, child development and play. Our results indicated that adult/child play integrated educational practices by mothers and could be considered as a socialization tool and a way to inform children about family values and practices.
Palavras-chave : Adult/child play; Playing; Family; Low income family; Family educational practice.