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vol.25 issue2Social distancing and environmental stressors in homes during times of COVID-19: an Environmental Psychology perspective#stayathome?: Increased children's emotion regulation in covid-19 pandemic author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Estudos de Psicologia (Natal)

Print version ISSN 1413-294XOn-line version ISSN 1678-4669


DOS SANTOS PALUDO, Simone; NASCIMENTO, Danielly Bart do; LORDELLO, Silvia Renata Magalhães  and  ROSA, Edinete Maria. Home is not always a safe place: A bioecological approach for the violence in pandemic time. Estud. psicol. (Natal) [online]. 2020, vol.25, n.2, pp.222-231. ISSN 1413-294X.

The study objective was to discuss the panorama of Covid-19 and impacts on violence committed at home through Bioecological Theory and to propose strategic actions to guarantee rights and protection. Apparently, due to the need to stay at home, risk situations can be maximized in homes, worsened by the absence or minimization of the performance of protective contexts such as schools, social assistance institutions, and health centers, among others. There is an increase in danger in families due to fear of contagion and death, added by the overload of household chores concern with subsistence and other factors that differ depending on socioeconomic conditions. The characteristics of the person, the proximal processes, the contexts, and the time are identified based on this framework. We concluded about the need for a social mobilization on strategic actions of combat and confrontation, which should be undertaken by everyone, and concrete measures are proposed for this end.

Keywords : domestic violence; ecological model; pandemic.

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