Estudos de Psicologia (Natal)
Print version ISSN 1413-294XOn-line version ISSN 1678-4669
PIMENTEL, Pollyana Ludmilla Batista; SILVA, Josevânia da and SALDANHA, Ana Alayde Werba. Common Mental Disorders, distress, anxiety and depression in elderly Brazilians in the context of COVID-19. Estud. psicol. (Natal) [online]. 2022, vol.27, n.2, pp.137-145. Epub Oct 28, 2024. ISSN 1413-294X.
Common Mental Disorders, distress, anxiety and depression in elderly Brazilians in the context of COVID-19. The aim of this study was to analyze the presence of common mental disorders and symptoms of anxiety and depression in Brazilian elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two hundred thirty-seven elderly people, with ages varying between 60 and 88 years old, participated, being 78.5% female and 97.9% claiming to be in quarantine. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). Common mental disorders were more frequent in women, elderly people with monthly income below two minimum wages and among those with a greater perception of vulnerability to COVID-19. People with a higher perceived risk of COVID-19 also had a higher occurrence of distress and symptoms of anxiety and depression. In this sense, mental health care is necessary, especially for elderly women, elderly people with less access to income and those who perceive themselves as more vulnerable to the virus.
Keywords : elderly; mental disorders; psychological distress; covid-19.