Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X
FRANCISCHINI, Rosângela. Cognitive-discursive processes in the productíon of written texts in initial grades of schooling. Temas psicol. [online]. 2000, vol.8, n.1, pp.67-78. ISSN 1413-389X.
The production and interpretation of written texts require, among other aspects, the understanding of how the alphabetic system works and the knowledge concernig both the orthographic rules and the fact that "our writing" have particularities in its structure, different from those involved in oral production. In relation to this last aspect, the language user mobilizes cognitive-discursive processes and chooses expressive resources for materializing them. These choices, however, should lead to communicative sequences, - the texts - that would give the reader the opportunity of constructing sense. The purpose of this work is to point out and to discuss the main problems faced by children in structuring a written text during the formal acquisition of writing. First, we presented the theoretical references that support our proposal of analysis of the internal architecture of the texts, identifying the expressive resources that materialize the cognitive-discursive process. We approached the relations between the social-discursive interactionism the textual linguistics. Concerning the cognitive-discursive materialization and the main mechanisms of nominal cohesion and the possible difficulties related to the use of these mechanisms, presented to the children in the structure of the written language, were discussed
Keywords : cognition; language; written text.