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Temas em Psicologia

Print version ISSN 1413-389X


HAYDU, Verônica Bender; BATISTA, Ana Priscila  and  SERPELONI, Fernanda. Reorganization and resurgence of instructed and modeled by contingencie equivalence relations: Effect of extinction. Temas psicol. [online]. 2007, vol.15, n.2, pp.181-206. ISSN 1413-389X.

The reorganization and the resurgence of stimulus equivalence classes were investigated in two experiments. The conditions of instructions and direct exposition to the contingencies, and the number of extinction blocks were manipulated. In Experiment 1 (Exp1) three undergraduate students participated in Experiment 2 (Exp2), two groups (G1_Exp2 and G2_Exp2) with eight students each. The procedure consisted of: Initial Training; Late Training (reorganization phase of the classes); extinction blocks (4 in Exp1 and 8 in the Exp2); resurgence test. In Exp1 and for G1_Exp2, the relations had been instructed and for G2_Exp2 they were modeled by contingency. All the participants of Exp1 and of G1_Exp2 formed and reorganized the equivalent classes. Six participants from G2_Exp2 formed equivalent classes and 5 reorganized the classes. The resurgence test of the two experiments showed prevalence of responding consistent with the late training. It was concluded that reorganization of the equivalent classes were demonstrated but not the resurgence of them.

Keywords : Stimulus equivalence; Conditional discrimination; Extinction; Resurgence; Equivalence classes' reorganization.

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