Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X
DINIZ, Raquel Farias and SALDANHA, Ana Alayde Werba. Aids and elderly: beliefs and attitudes of community health agents. Temas psicol. [online]. 2008, vol.16, n.2, pp.185-198. ISSN 1413-389X.
This study aimed to investigate in community health agents (CHAs) integrated into the Family Health Program (FHP) who work in cities in Paraíba, the attitudes about elderly and beliefs about AIDS, and AIDS in this context's specificity. It was quantitative-oriented study that used the Questionnaire of Attitudes and Beliefs about Elderly and AIDS prepared for the study. The results indicate a positive vision of the elderly. Death and end are linked ideas with AIDS and also suggest the ignorance or disbelief in treatment. The ACSs recognize the vulnerability of the olders, who may contract the virus through sexual activity and using drugs. The participants believe that the olds have information about AIDS, but disagree about the necessity of campaigns targeted to this audience. These results indicate the necessity of better preparation of professionals to take care of these people and to do the informative work on the topic of AIDS in old age.
Keywords : AIDS; Community health agents; Elderly; Attitudes; Beliefs.