Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X
LUIZZI, Luciana and ROSE, Tânia Maria Santana de. Interventions for preventing and reducing aggressive behavior as part of teacher training. Temas psicol. [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.1, pp.57-69. ISSN 1413-389X.
This study seeks to outline guiding goals along with skills that should be developed in the training of Elementary School teachers of the first cycle (1st to 4th grade), intending to prevent and reduce aggressive behavior in schools. The first aim involved collecting and analyzing information and data from studies derived from interventions with positive results in terms of contributing to a reduction of aggressive behavior among Kindergarten and Elementary School students. The second aim involved providing a set of suggestions for teachers to work on, and skills that they should acquire. The analysis consisted of the identification of characteristics related to types of prevention, general and specific aims, theoretical basis, teaching goals and strategies, as well as the results of five programs that were considered effective. In terms of violence reduction, the results of this analysis pointed out the importance of teachers being empowered so that they can: carry out both universal and selective interventions, intended for primary and secondary prevention, focused on enhancing the students' social competence; providing students with skills to solve interpersonal problems, and to deal and control their emotions; and make adequate use of techniques of behavior management.
Keywords : School Violence; Behavior Problems; Teacher Training; Social Skills; Behavior Management.