Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X
BRAGA, Tatiana Benevides Magalhães; MOSQUEIRA, Sáshenka Meza and MORATO, Henriette Tognetti Penha. Clinical cartography at psychological attendance: interventional investigation in a psychological attention project in a police district. Temas psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.20, n.2, pp.555-570. ISSN 1413-389X. https://doi.org/10.9788/TP2012.2-20.
This interventional research, employing an existential phenomenology perspective and using a log-book, investigates the path developed from a primary psychological attention project at a police district in response to the São Paulo West Region Security Council demand. On one hand, the first attempt to comprehend the psychological practice involved some representations of the psychologist's role, constructed by the policemen. On the other hand, new configurations of the practice implicated new possibilities for the clinical action. In the midst of such interface, the cartographic attitude emerged as an appropriate methodology, by Martin Heidegger´s existential phenomenology perspective, to get acquainted to the context as well as to constitute the interventional field. Departing from the social actors' discourse, psychologists have questioned instituted modes of acting, trying to blend, at the same time, intervention and research: they investigated experiences that were conveyed in the institution, while opening space for clinical listening from the vivid experience coming from policemen and community attended by them. Other approaches occurred through direct intervention in everyday situations. Such clinical cartography revealed some set of themes: institutional relationships, job difficulties, psychologist's role, psychological attendance to the community. The attention and affectability to emotions, perceptions and attitudes before the psychological practice made possible to enlighten each situation, which enabled to circumscribe and create conditions for the psychological action.
Keywords : Psychological attendance; Clinical cartography; Police district; Existential phenomenology; Interventional research.