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vol.21 número1La evaluación de la creatividad a partir de control de nivel de inteligencia en una muestra de niñosAmpliación del repertorio de relaciones arbitrarias por exclusión en Sapajus sp índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Temas em Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 1413-389X


MURARI, Silvia Cristiane  y  HENKLAIN, Marcelo Henrique Oliveira. Criatividade em debate: algumas contribuições da análise do comportamentoCreativity in focus: some contributions of the analysis of behavior. Temas psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.21, n.1, pp.17-29. ISSN 1413-389X.

Most of the publications on creativity were oriented by psychoanalytic, gestalts, or humanistic perspectives, in the Brazilian scenery of psychology. In the last years, new theoretical perspectives, as Analysis of Behavior, appeared. This approach has contributed to the development of creativity. However, considering the production of Analysis of Behavior on the last three decades, it is a surprise that it does not appear as one of the major approaches that contributed to the definition and to the study of creativity. Some reasons may be pointed out to give an account for that absence. First, little attention has been paid to the Analysis of Behavior's production. Second, there are prejudices and misunderstandings related to the philosophy that underlies the Analysis of Behavior. The objectives of this paper are to show how principles of behavior analysis stand as tools for understanding the creative behavior. This paper also intends to make two contributions to the behavioral analysis of creative behavior. First, to present the notions of interconnection of repertoires and variability, and present some implications of these analyzes of creative behavior in education.

Palabras clave : Behavior analysis; creative behavior; education of creative behavior.

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