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Temas em Psicologia
versão impressa ISSN 1413-389X
SILVA, Alessandra Turini Bolsoni et al. Extending pro-ethical behavior of students: research and intervention with primary school teachers. Temas psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.21, n.2, pp.348-359. ISSN 1413-389X.
The aim of this research was to describe effects of an intervention with educators from the first grade of elementary school, seeking to expand basic social abilities consistent with pro-ethical repertoires. Participated five teachers and 57 students participated and they were applied to the Rutter Child Behavior Scale B. for Teachers (ECI-B) and Questionnaire of Socially Adept Answers for Teachers (QRSH-Pr), beyond classroom situations films before and after intervention. The educators had also participated of a proposal of continued formation, moments in that they had reflected theoretical issues related to training and developing ethical and moral as well as diverse topics, which emerged from the preliminary application of the instruments utilized. The overall results showed an increase in positive student-teacher interaction, in the view of socially skillful behaviors, beyond reduction of indicators of behavior problems, thus extending the pro-ethical behaviors in the investigated reality. These data indicate the involvement of teachers and sensitivity of students with programmed contingencies. In this case, the use of systematic procedures and teaching rearrangement contingencies for continuous formation seems prosperous, especially if targeted themes transverse relevant, as the ethics of interpersonal relationships in the school context.
Palavras-chave : Pro-ethical behavior; pro-social behavior; intervention; fundamental education; continuous formation.