Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X
SOMA, Sheila Maria Prado and WILLIAMS, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque. Children's books for prevention of child sexual abuse: a review of studies. Temas psicol. [online]. 2014, vol.22, n.2, pp.353-361. ISSN 1413-389X. https://doi.org/10.9788/TP2014.2-07.
Literature may be a powerful tool to inspire, encourage, inform and potentially promote changes in children's lives. There are numerous books on the subject of sexual abuse in many countries. These books have the potential to increase children's awareness to this subject. Therefore, it is extremely important to analyze these materials before using them in preventive programs or before offering them to children. Thus, the present paper aims to review the scientific literature on assessment of children's books that deal with the topic of sexual abuse, emphasizing the main ones. In this search, we found 31 articles related to the descriptors, however only three studies dealt analyzed specifically children's books. The studies examined the books based in pre-established criteria. In general, the studies showed that the analyzed books had great value for prevention and protection of children against sexual abuse, although no studies were found which empirically assessed interventions using such books. Common points were described in each study, and the need for similar studies in Brazil was identified.
Keywords : Children books; sexual abuse; prevention.