Temas em Psicologia
Print version ISSN 1413-389X
COSTA, Carlos Eduardo; CALIXTO, Fernanda Castanho and BANACO, Roberto Alves. Effect of rules and rule change on the behavior in DRL. Temas psicol. [online]. 2017, vol.25, n.1, pp.81-96. ISSN 1413-389X. https://doi.org/10.9788/TP2017.1-05.
This study aimed to investigate the effect of behavioral history with correspondent, discrepant and minimum rules on the following of a subsequent discrepant rule. The participants were twenty students distributed into four groups. Along two phases the tasks was clicking a button and earn points released in accordance with a DRL 5 seconds. In Phase 1, groups were assigned according to the instruction provided to them: Group Control and Group IM (Minimum Instruction), Group IC (Correspondent Instruction) and Group ID (Discrepant Instruction). In Phase 2, participants of Group Control received the same minimum instruction and participants from the other groups received a new discrepant instruction. The MI informed that participants should earn points using the mouse; The CI informed that participant should press the button every 5 seconds and the DI informed that they should press the button every second. Results obtained suggested that histories with correspondent (Group IC) and discrepant (Group ID) instructions increased the time needed to contact the programmed contingencies in Phase 2 and the history with minimal instructions increased the likelihood of behavioral sensitivity.
Keywords : Behavioral history; rules governed behavior; resistance to change.