Servicios Personalizados
Temas em Psicologia
versión impresa ISSN 1413-389X
MIGUEL, Fabiano Koich; ZUANAZZI, Ana Carolina y VILLEMOR-AMARAL, Anna Elisa de. Assessment of emotional intelligence aspects in the methods of Pfister's and Zulliger's. Temas psicol. [online]. 2017, vol.25, n.4, pp.1853-1862. ISSN 1413-389X.
Emotional intelligence relates to the ability to adequately perceive and understand emotions and to manage them in an adaptive and constructive manner. Emotion regulation is part of the construct and is traditionally assessed by way of hypothetical stories, which are similar to self-reports. Although developed prior to the proposal of the emotional intelligence construct, projective techniques, which are considered performance instruments, also feature indicators of emotion regulation. The present study's aim was to discover which variables in Pfister's Color Pyramid Test would be associated with an indicator of cognitive emotion regulation in the Zulliger Inkblot Test. Ninety-eight people participated in the survey, 57.1% of which were women. Linear regression analysis showed that the frequencies of Pure Carpet and Bored Carpet (both negative) in the Pfister test were predictors of the Zulliger emotion-regulation formula. It is believed that aspects of emotional intelligence can also be found in projective techniques. The association between Pfister's and Zulliger's variables is discussed as an indicator of psychological health.
Palabras clave : Emotional intelligence; projective techniques; self-report inventories; psychological assessment.