Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)
On-line version ISSN 1413-6295
BENIA, Raquel Ghetti Macedo; CELES, Luiz Augusto Monnerat and CHATELARD, Daniela Scheinkman. The affection "anguish" in Freud and in Lacan: Discussions for the current psychoanalytical clinic. Cad. psicanal. [online]. 2016, vol.38, n.34, pp.47-59. ISSN 1413-6295.
This article discusses the affection "anguish" at different moments in Freud's theory, in articulation with Lacan's ideas in his seminar on the topic. At first, Freud highlights anguish as a phenomenon that directly affects the body in actual neuroses, without psychic mediation. Later on, he assigns anguish an important role in the repression process in the neuroses of defense, bringing it closer to the psychic processes when referring it as castration anxiety. Lacan seems to recapture Freud's initial ideas about anguish as something that affects the body without mediation, a sign of the Real. This theoretical recovery is pertinent in face of the demands of the current psychoanalytical clinic.
Keywords : Anguish; Actual neuroses; Neuroses of defense; Desire; Jouissance.