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vol.40 issue39The Epistemic Style of Michael Balint: Balint Groups, Medical Utopias and the Legacy of the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)

On-line version ISSN 1413-6295


MARTINS, Renata Dahwache  and  VORSATZ, Ingrid. The beginnings of psychoanalysis and the construction of the phantasy notion. Cad. psicanal. [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.39, pp.251-272. ISSN 1413-6295.

In the etiological researches about the clinics of neuroses, in particular, of hysteria, Freud founds himself facing an enigma: the problematic of phantasy. Freud legitimizes the hysterics' discourse through a theory, which is abandoned in 1897. He notes that it is a scene, ascribing it psychic reality and comparing its mechanism to the literary creation - setting the phantasies in face of reality and fiction. Starting from a bibliographic review of the Freudian work, recurring to Lacan and other authors, we intend to discuss Freud's early notions about phantasies, highlighting its fictional statute, and, notwithstanding, granted with effectiveness, in order to problematize the phantasy question in its articulation with the psychic reality and notions of literary creation.

Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Phantasy; Psychic reality; Fiction; Creation.

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