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vol.43 número45Processos depressivos e luto através de uma vertente Kleniana: a experiência da perda de um bebê com malformação genéticaConsiderações psicanalíticas sobre Os elixires do diabo, de E. T. A. Hoffmann índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)

versão On-line ISSN 1413-6295


SCHOR, Daniel  e  COELHO JUNIOR, Nelson Ernesto. The malleable medium as the basis for primary symbolization: notes for the clinical management of narcissistic-identity sufferings. Cad. psicanal. [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.45, pp.153-169. ISSN 1413-6295.

In this article we intend to justify the understanding of the performance of malleable medium function by the psychoanalytic clinic as an indispensable resource for the symbolization of traumatic experiences inherent to narcissistic-identity sufferings. By the fulfillment of this objective, we intend to provide aids to extend the scope of the interventions required in the care of subjects affected by serious failures in the primary forms of communication with the environment, a task in which the use of non-verbal communication instruments is massively imposed, requiring very different clinical management in comparison to the "standard analytical technique".

Palavras-chave : Malleable medium; Primary symbolization; Narcissistic-identity sufferings.

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