Print version ISSN 1413-8271
MENDES, Ana Magnólia and TAMAYO, Álvaro. Organizational values and pleasure-suffering at work. PsicoUSF [online]. 2001, vol.6, n.1, pp.39-46. ISSN 1413-8271.
The paper discusses the relations between organizational values and pleasure-suffering experience at work. Values are defined as principles that guide organization life and they are structured in three bipolar dimensions: autonomy-conservation, equalitarian structures-hierarchy and harmony-mastery. Pleasure-suffering is studied as a dialectic construct and it is defined as an experience of valorization, recognition and wear out feelings at work. The research was undertaken with 554 employees at a Sanitation Public Company. Scales to measure organizational values and pleasure-suffering were used. Data are analyzed through descriptive statistics and correlation. The results indicated high pleasure and moderate suffering experiences. Pleasure is correlated with four organizational values poles: autonomy, equalitarian structures, harmony and mastery. Suffering presents negative correlation with autonomy, equalitarian structures and mastery poles.
Keywords : Organizational values; Pleasure-suffering work.