Print version ISSN 1413-8271
MULLER, Marisa Campio et al. Breast self-exam practice in women from an universitary community. PsicoUSF [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.2, pp.185-190. ISSN 1413-8271.
Current statistical data point to high rates of prevalence and death among women undergoing breast cancer (INCA, 2004). This issue could be minimized through the self exam practice, since this procedure is considered a facilitating element in early diagnosis. This research aimed at knowing the practice of breast self-exam in women, representing the population of PUCRS, wich is a university. A mixed methodology was used (quantitative and qualitative) and as a tool, semi-structural questionnaire was applied in a sample of 215 women. The results show that only 25 percent of researched women refer to the habit of practicing breast self-exam periodically as a preventive care. The study also enhanced that all women recognize the importance of this practice however, many times they don't know how to do it or don't remember to do it and many other times they do it in an inappropriate way (related to frequency).
Keywords : Self-exam; Breast of cancer; Early diagnosis.