Print version ISSN 1413-8271
CARDOSO, Lucila Moraes and CAPITAO, Cláudio Garcia. Correlational study between the Test of Pfister and the Human Figure Drawing. PsicoUSF [online]. 2006, vol.11, n.2, pp.157-166. ISSN 1413-8271.
The present study was aimed at seeking correlations between the emotional and cognitive indicators of the Colored Pyramids Test of Pfister (CPT) and the Human Figure Drawing (HFD) - both in the Koppitz's HFD and the Sisto's HFD systems. The techniques of Colored Pyramids Test (CPT) of Pfister and Human Figure Drawing (HFD) are projective instruments that permit to know aspects of the executor's personality. According to literature, the two methods measure the same constructo, justifying the objective of looking for correlations between them. The protocols of both CPT and HFD of 118 boys and girls aged between 6 and 12, students from elementary to sixth-grade classes and belonging to different social-economic levels, were considered at the present study. Tests were applied in a single individual session, with free time. The SPSS program was used in order to establish relation between both instruments. The analyses employed allowed to check some relations between emotional and cognitive indicators of both tests.
Keywords : Human Figure Drawing; Colored Pyramids Test; Psychological evaluation.