Serviços Personalizados
versão impressa ISSN 1413-8271
VILLEMOR-AMARAL, Anna Elisa de e PASQUALINI-CASADO, Lílian. The scientific status of projective techniques in discussion. PsicoUSF [online]. 2006, vol.11, n.2, pp.185-193. ISSN 1413-8271.
The aim of this paper is to review and discuss a special series of antagonistic articles about the scientific status of the projective methods for personality assessment since the focus of the current debates has fallen again into the merit of the projectives in contraposition to the objective techniques. The critics are mainly in respect to the little methodologic procedures in the validation studies as well the absence of incremental validity for the projective methods, what consequently reverberates in the credibility of the professionals and researchers who use them. In this circumstances, this work emphasizes the positive aspects on the controversial as well the distortions or fallacies generated in this last decade about the three used procedures for personality assessment, in Brazil and exterior: the Method of Rorschach in the Comprehensive System, RCS; Aperception Thematic Test, TAT and the Drawing of the Figure Human being, DFH. The questions presented on the clinical and diagnostic utility of these instruments reveal equally useful in the balance of studies and the quarrel of relative questions the projective techniques in general way.
Palavras-chave : Psychological assessment; Projective methods; Rorschach SC; Aperception Thematic Test; DFH; Validity.