Print version ISSN 1413-8271
NEUFELD, Carmem Beatriz; BRUST, Priscila Goergen and STEIN, Lilian Milnitsky. Adaptation of a method for studying the effect of emotion on memory. PsicoUSF [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.1, pp.21-29. ISSN 1413-8271.
This study presents an adaptation of Cahill, Prins, Weber and McGaugh's instruments and procedures on the assessment of the effect of emotion on memory distortions. The study main purpose was to provide the lusophone scientific community with a valuable instrument for the study of memory and false memories. To test if the new version of the target materials (slides and narratives) and memory test were adequate to assess both true and false memories. The experiment was conducted with 138 college students from several private universities. The procedure consisted of eleven slides adapted to the Brazilian reality and a yes-no recognition memory test. The results suggested that both instruments and procedures were properly adapted. In addition, emotion tended to increase male participants true memory scores. The instrument was effective to measure the effect of emotion on memory distortions, and emotion seams to inoculate memory from distortions.
Keywords : Memory; Emotion; False memories; Stories.