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Psicologia Escolar e Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1413-8557
ALMEIDA, Leandro S. e PRIMI, Ricardo. Cognitive abilities profiles in the battery of reasoning tests (BPR-5). Psicol. esc. educ. [online]. 2004, vol.8, n.2, pp.135-144. ISSN 1413-8557.
Studied the cognitive subtest profiles on the Battery of Reasoning Tests (BPR-5) that is comprised by five subtests: Abstract Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning and Mechanical Reasoning. The participants were 3039 students from Brazil (1444) and Portugal (1595) of the standardization study. These profiles were characterized and compared with the data origin (Brazil X Portugal), gender, age, achievement and areas of study. Profiles were similar in the two countries and wer systematic related with the other criterion variables. It was concluded that the shape of the profiles can potentially bring new and systematic information about student's learning strengths and weaknesses as they are associated with age, areas of study, grade retention and gender.
Palavras-chave : Cluster and profile analysis; Intelligence assessment; Prediction educational achievement.