Psicologia Escolar e Educacional
Print version ISSN 1413-8557
LONGAREZI, Andréa Maturano and ALVES, Tamarisa de Camargo. Psychology as a formative approach: a study on teacher training. Psicol. esc. educ. [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.1, pp.125-132. ISSN 1413-8557.
This study presents data from the research “The Organization of Teaching and the Development of Autonomy and Affectivity in Teacher Training and Practice”, developed in a Municipal Kindergarten Centre in the district of Uberaba - MG. This study turned out to be a collaborative research and had as its principal aim, the building of a process of continued teacher development. Following the historic-cultural psychology as the theoreticmethodological orientation, the research focused on the elaboration, development and collective assessment of a pedagogic project in the school. The collected data were revealing in the formative movement of the teachers, indicating that training triggers the teacher’s professional development, when carried out in the teacher’s working space, taking his/her main activity as the content. Instrumentation situations were aggregated to the problems put forward, which guaranteed new learning concerning the teacher’s activities, suggesting cathartic movements. Thus, alterations in the pedagogic practice were evidenced by some teacher’s activities carried out at CEMEI and they showed indication of changes.
Keywords : Teacher education; Historic-cultural psychology; Teaching.