Psicologia da Educação
Print version ISSN 1414-6975On-line version ISSN 2175-3520
CAMPOS, Ronny Francy. Person centered approach in the history of psychology in Brazil: from psychotherapy to education, amplifying the clinic. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2005, n.21, pp.11-31. ISSN 1414-6975.
Starting, primarily, from interviews with some professionals (psychologists and educators) who work or have already worked with the Person-Centered Approach, I discuss how the Rogerian proposal of psychology is organized in Brazil. The main issues to be considered in this article are to do with the introduction, in Brazil, of a proposal of psychology such as the Rogerian and the kind of subjectivity it makes possible. I discuss, especially, a widespread thesis in Brazil: that in which Brazilian Rogerian psychologists have given up (or have avoided) considering crucial factors such as "the social" and "the political" and that, consequently, the psychology they practise is away from reality and, broadly-speaking, non-historical
Keywords : Clinical and Educational Psychology; The History of Psychology in Brazil; The Person-Centered Approach.