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Psicologia da Educação

Print version ISSN 1414-6975


VITORELLO, Márcia Aparecida. Contemporary family and parental functions: is there an act of love in it?. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2011, n.32, pp.7-24. ISSN 1414-6975.

Having in mind the fact that the subject's psychic structuring, support for learning, depends on the ways of relationship between a child and their parents, a discussion about parental functions in the contemporary family is proposed. This paper was made from the listening of students attending the Pedagogy Course, concerning their observations on children, which were held for the Educational Psychology subject. Focusing on Freudo-Lacanian Psychoanalysis, a theoretical reflection on how adults belonging to the present culture have performed parental functions and on their dilemmas in relation to the structuring of their children subjectivity was developed. The presence of new family configurations and ways of subjectivizing in the contemporaneity was made evident. The fact that discussions in the classroom allowed students from the education field to (re)formulate new ways of understanding the subjects of learning was observed.

Keywords : contemporary family; parental functions; subjectivity; subject; Psychoanalysis; Education.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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