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Psicologia da Educação

Print version ISSN 1414-6975


GUSMAO, Fábio Alexandre Ferreira; MARTINS, Tânia Gonçalves  and  LUNA, Sérgio Vasconcellos de. School inclusion as cultural practice: an analysis based on the concept of metacontingency. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2011, n.32, pp.69-87. ISSN 1414-6975.

School inclusion is taken as a new paradigm requiring school to undertake changes both in structure and functioning. Such a process of change demands children to be taken care of by means of interrelating actions that may result in cultural changes in order to be effective and long lasting. In the present paper the concept of metacontingency was used as an unity of analysis of the processes by which inclusive education becomes a cultural practice. The assumption is made that learning represents the aggregate sum of all that is offered by school. This end product requires that the behaviors of professionals working in school setting be congruent and interrelated, and that their procedures leading to that result be kept and spread through time.

Keywords : metacontingency; interlocking behavioral contingencies; school inclusion; cultural practice; Radical Behaviorism.

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