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Psicologia da Educação

Print version ISSN 1414-6975


MACHADO, Frederico Viana. Social psychology and psychologists' formation: reflections from a teaching experienc. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2011, n.32, pp.141-162. ISSN 1414-6975.

We intend to present and discuss a teaching experience as developed in the discipline of the Institutional and Community Psychology at the Psychology course, including some setbacks based on the experience of the process of training graduate students. We used the theoretical framework of social psychology, emphasizing a critical perspective and the political dimension of social phenomena. The aim of such activity is to develop in students a critical perspective on social phenomena and on the field of Psychologists from a field experiment. We propose a critical pedagogy on the teaching of social psychology as a concrete activity, which is operated by some dilemmas experienced by higher education teachers. It is stated that Social Psychology is a strategic discipline in the training of psychologists.

Keywords : Social Psychology; Psychological Education; higher education.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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