Psicologia da Educação
Print version ISSN 1414-6975On-line version ISSN 2175-3520
SOUZA, Vera Lúcia Trevisan de et al. Synthesis as reflective registration at work of the school psychologist with managers. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2015, n.41, pp.83-94. ISSN 1414-6975.
This article aims to analyze critically the experience of the use of synthesis in the work with educational managers and reflection and configuration of new senses and meanings of school practice arising from the interventions. For this purpose, our instrument is the synthesis, a way of registration that seeks to historicizing the intervention process, carried out by psychologists and by participants of a reflection group, made up of the school management team, namely: a Director, a Deputy Director and two pedagogical advisors, held weekly in the course of two years. The place was a municipal public Elementary School and also Adult Education of a city in the State of São Paulo. Results indicate that the synthesis can become a tool that also contribute to increase the managers consciousness, because it instigates them to reflect on what is written, seeking new ways to act from what is laid and setting up new meanings and senses to their actions within the school. Thus, we can say that the synthesis is presented as important tool in the role of the psychologist, since it allows him access to the subject in the process of expansion of consciousness, and it establishes a movement that is related to affective and volition process, which are at the base of the constitution of the human psyche, revealing possibilities to construct narratives of the subject and of their time and context.
Keywords : Cultural-historical Psychology; School Psychology; method; talk and listen.