Psicologia da Educação
Print version ISSN 1414-6975On-line version ISSN 2175-3520
PESSOA, Patrícia dos Santos; KLUMPP, Carolina Ferreira Barros; FERNANDES, Janaína da Silva Gonçalves and ANDRADE, Márcia Siqueira de. More education program: literature review. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2017, n.45, pp.87-94. ISSN 1414-6975.
The aim of this study was a literature review of Comprehensive Education in Brazil inserted into the More Education Program (PME). The PME emerged as a public policy implemented by the Federal Government to induce the extension of the school day and curriculum organization from the perspective of Comprehensive Education. The literature review included articles on CAPES Portal from 2007 to 2015. Content Analysis was also carried through with focus on the historical, ideological and political aspects of comprehensive education, and also on the main advantages and challenges of PME. Among the advantages, comprehensive training and improvement of learning process were identified. The difficulties pointed out concern the precariousness of the physical structure of schools and the program welfarist policy. We concluded that there is a need to expand the scientific production on the PME as policy that leads to Comprehensive Education.
Keywords : content analysis; learning; more education; school day; literature review.