Psicologia: ciência e profissão
Print version ISSN 1414-9893
CASTANHA, Alessandra Ramos; COUTINHO, Maria da Penha de Lima; SALDANHA, Ana Alayde Werba and RIBEIRO, Cristiane Galvão. Pyschosocial repercussions of depression in the context of aids. Psicol. cienc. prof. [online]. 2006, vol.26, n.1, pp.70-81. ISSN 1414-9893.
AIDS is frequently associated with psychiatric disturbs, being depression the most common of those. This research has as objectives: 1) seize the social representations of AIDS and depression by HIV serum-positive persons; 2) evaluate the prevalence of depression's symptoms. Ninety-one HIV serum-positive persons participated in this research. They were of both genders, with mean age of 38 years. The Test of Free Association of Words and Beck's inventory to measure were used as instruments. The data obtained made it possible to represent depression and AIDS as a disease that reach the human being in their totality, with repercussions in several aspects of their lives, such as quality of life, productivity, and social capacitation. The prevalence of depression symptoms found in this study (64%) show the necessity of capacitating professionals for the diagnosis and treatment of this phenomenon within the context of AIDS.
Keywords : Pyschosocial repercussions; Depression; AIDS.