Psicologia: ciência e profissão
Print version ISSN 1414-9893
BAPTISTA, Makilim Nunes. Perception of family support inventory: study of components in two sets. Psicol. cienc. prof. [online]. 2007, vol.27, n.3, pp.496-509. ISSN 1414-9893.
The goal of this study was to compare the components of the perception of family support inventory (IPSF) in two sets of participants, through factorial analysis. The sample from the second set was formed by 1064 high school and college students, who were from 17 to 64 years old, both genders, from private and public institutions of the São Paulo State. The main components' analysis was used with oblimim rotation in this set. Factor analysis extracted the presence of three factors, entitled affective-consistent, adaptation and autonomy, what expressed 41,433% of the total variance of the construct. The IPSF appears to be an inventory with well defined dimensions, so that all items had factor loadings higher than 0,30. The factor affective-consistent demonstrated reliability of 0,91, demonstrated by Cronbach´s a, followed by the factor called inadaptation, with a 0,90 and, finally, the factor autonomy, expressed by a 0,78, besides total scale's a 0,93. The factor loading from the items were always higher than 0,30. The IPSF also expresses the dimensions found in other instruments and international theories about family support. The configurations comparisons are discussed. Other validity evidences, as standardization of IPSF, are necessary to obtain other psychometric data from the inventory, considering that the process of validation from any instrument finds its reliability in a dynamic and constant way.
Keywords : Validity; Reliability; Family support; IPSF.