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versão impressa ISSN 1415-1138
CASTELO FILHO, Claudio. Reflections concerning intra-psychic violence and in groups. Psyche (Sao Paulo) [online]. 2006, vol.10, n.17, pp.87-108. ISSN 1415-1138.
Three clinical situations approach the theme of violence in the inner and external worlds. In the first, a man shows a great confusion between being and simulating. An analogy of violent situations described by Norbert Elias and by St. Simon of the Court at Versailles and the patients’ is made and offered to the patient. In the second, violence and contempt between different parts of another patient’s personality is associated to an episode of cruelty and lack of compassion testified and narrated by the patient herself in previous times of her analysis. The third clinical fragment concerns a method of learning that is based in brutality and has no sympathy for the human condition and no compassion at all.
Palavras-chave : Violence; Compassion; Sympathy for the human condition; Transformations; Emotional experience.