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Construção psicopedagógica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-6954versão On-line ISSN 2175-3474


ARANTES, Sandra Meire de Oliveira Resende. A arte e o terapêutico na práxis psicopedagógica nas organizações. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2008, vol.16, n.13, pp.5-21. ISSN 1415-6954.

This study presents theoretical and practical reflections about the “to do” psychopedagogical in the organizations, supported by the systemic models. Psychopedagogy is recognized as a resource to make possible a new view and a new direction for the relations looking for partnerships with the other active professionals in the organizations. In that sense, the Psychopedagogy works with the learning processes focusing the varied subjects that involve the human relationship that they are in the net of system understanding the process, the dynamics, the evolution, the maturity of those relationships in a certain environment. The intervention, in this context, is made through the dialogue among Psychopedagogy, the Art and the Therapy, for noticing that, under this inclination, it can be contributed to the expansion and for the development of the relationship and of the individual’s potentialities, of the groups and of the organization as a system.

Palavras-chave : Learning; Organizations; Art; Therapy.

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