Construção psicopedagógica
Print version ISSN 1415-6954On-line version ISSN 2175-3474
CANDIDO, Francisca Francineide. Subsídio à práxis psicopedagógica na instituição de ensino. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.14, pp.44-59. ISSN 1415-6954.
The proposal of this article is to consider the reflections and research analysis, in view of psychopedagogic evaluation and institutional intervention, from a research and project developed for the monograph accomplishment constructed through the course of Specialization in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy, at the Universidade Vale do Acaraú - UVA/CE (2003), result of a work developed in the institutional period of training, in 2002, at LCDS (NGO), an institution which works with school reinforcement pertaining, religious formation and citizenship to the devoid children from the quarter of Vila União, in Fortaleza/CE, and which are derived of regular public schools. Through psychopedagogic intervention, the teachers had started to understand the construction of teach-learning process and perceived that the relative difficulties to apprentice growth result from the interference of biologic, psychologic, pedagogic, psychopedagogic and sociocultural factors, many times originated within ones family, being, at times, kept and reproduced by the school institution. They got seeing the children with a NEW LOOK, without labels and preconceptions, valuing their differences, letramento level, life history, learning modality and form of self-expressing, turning out to improvement of school learning at short term. One hopes, through this article, being able to contribute with the psychopedagogical praxis in the school context, both in the diagnostic evaluation and in the intervention phase.
Keywords : Diagnostic evaluation; Intervention; Práxis; Formation of teacher.