Construção psicopedagógica
Print version ISSN 1415-6954On-line version ISSN 2175-3474
SCOZ, Beatriz Judith Lima and PORCACCHIA, Sonia Saj. A subjetividade na Psicopedagogia: algumas reflexões. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.14, pp.60-74. ISSN 1415-6954.
This study aims to make a few observations on the issue of subjectivity in Psicopedagogy. From the theoretical contributions of Beatriz Scoz, Edgar Morin and Fernando Gonzalez Rey, with support in the theory of complexity of Fritjof Capra, we situate the subjectivity in a historical and cultural perspective which implies the idea of movement. It is to understand the subjectivity (individual and social) as something under construction which are present a series of settings senses. In particular, we emphasize the importance of construction of subjectivity in performance psychology, from the understanding of life trajectories of the subject who learns and teaches, seeking an active position that subject, in the direction of opening new spaces of subjectivity through action for possible changes. So, we situate the performance of psychopedagogic in a broader perspective in which the construction of subjectivity isnt a space or a space internal and external, but in the inter-relationship and intersubjectivity.
Keywords : Subjectivity; Psycopedagogy; Learning; Processes of therapeutic psycopedagogy.