Construção psicopedagógica
Print version ISSN 1415-6954On-line version ISSN 2175-3474
GHISALBERTI, Lucia and PITOMBO, Elisa Maria. O Menino Maluquinho e a busca da autonomia: The"Nutty Boy": story and the search for autonomy. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.15, pp.79-90. ISSN 1415-6954.
This work proposes to discuss a means to encourage the development of autonomy. The gain in autonomy occurs through learning and is part in forming ones personal identity, through a dynamic interplay between the individual and his family. The syntagma of identity-metamorphosis-emancipation by Ciampa (1999) was considered and Freeman Epston and Lobovitz (1997) also collaborated with narrative family therapy views and the use of art and stories. The story O Menino Maluquinho (The Nutty Boy) (by ZIRALDO, 1980) was analyzed as a valuable narrative resource for illustrating, through poetry, possibilities for an autonomous identity. Metaphors create possibilities for new stories and alternative realities to emerge.
Keywords : Psicopedagogia; Autonomia; Família; Contos e histórias; Psycho-pedagogic; Autonomy; Family; Storytelling.