Construção psicopedagógica
Print version ISSN 1415-6954On-line version ISSN 2175-3474
MONTEIRO, Tamires Alves; SOUZA, Maria Thereza Costa Coelho de; PETTY, Ana Lúcia and CARRACEDO, Valquiria. ONLINE GAME WORKSHOPS: SCOPE AND LIMITS. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2023, vol.33, n.34, pp.27-43. Epub Mar 08, 2024. ISSN 1415-6954.
This text briefly describes an online intervention program with games created during the covid-19 pandemic by the team of the Laboratory of Development and Learning Studies (LEDA), Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, for conducting research funded by FAPESP. The program lasted three semesters and was conducted in an NGO located in the west side of the city of São Paulo with groups of children aged 9 to 11 who had school difficulties. Some peculiar aspects of the online format and a few important topics were highlighted, which allowed reflecting on the challenges faced and the positive aspects achieved. The theoretical and methodological basis were the same that underlies the presential intervention program held at the laboratory, having been redesigned for the online mode, using new materials and dynamics. In general, there were satisfactory results and occurrence of changes in the procedures and attitudes of the participants who remained throughout the period. There was progress in the development of communication, expansion of interest and autonomy, as well as tendency of growth in self-control and construction of new strategies while playing games, aspects that can positively influence quality of life and wellbeing. The online format thus proved to be viable as another alternative for serving the public, which could reach an even greater number of children with school difficulties.
Keywords : Games workshops; Online context; Intervention; Children.