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vol.36 número90Personalidade e organização: tendências e perspectivasSignificados do envelhecimento para servidoras públicas de uma instituição de ensino superior índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X


BENTO, Amilton  e  SILVA, Narbal. Proactive behavior in organizations: A performance analysis of Brazilian soccer clubs due to the constant changes of the technical committee. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.36, n.90, pp.176-191. ISSN 1415-711X.

This research aims to address the proactive behavior as part of changes and impact on organizational performance. In this context, We try to analyze this behavior in the governance of Brazilian football clubs of the 2015 first division, with emphasis on the performance of the teams, due to the constant changes of the technical committee. To achieve the proposed objective we analyzed the first 28 championship rounds, considering the technical changes occurred from the fourth to the twenty-fifth rounds, totaling sixteen coaching staff exchanges. The survey allowed us to analyze the performance of clubs in 96 games, 48 of them before the exchange and 48 subsequent to the changes. After the exchanges,10 clubs achieved superior performance to 65% in the next three matches, which confirmed a successful trend due to the changes. These results suggest that the alterations in the command or exchanges of managers can provide an environment conducive to the emergence of proactive behavior, which suggests that changes of this nature can influence the organizational performance when deploying a new work

Palavras-chave : Proactivity; Proactive behavior; Proactive personality.

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